Sara Allan

Sara leads instrument design and data analysis for a variety of projects at the Lawrence Hall of Science, including evaluations of multiple science education programs. As an Evaluation Coordinator, Sara contributed to data collection, survey design, and analysis. Before joining the Research Group at the Lawrence, Sara oversaw grant evaluations for a mid-sized education foundation. […]

Melissa Collins

Melissa Collins is Evaluation Lead of the IPT Project. As a Senior Research Lead at the Lawrence Hall of Science, she leads diverse STEM education research and evaluation projects to study the design, implementation, and outcomes of formal and informal STEM activities and professional learning initiatives. Her work focuses on understanding how individual, sociocultural, pedagogical, […]

Coralie Delhaye

As a postdoctoral scholar at the Graduate School of Education, Stanford University, Coralie Delhaye coordinated the Improving Practice Together project. She earned her PhD in Education Sciences at Université Libre de Bruxelles. Her research work focuses on learners’ science identity, teacher professional learning that supports the competency to facilitate discussions in science, and educational leadership. […]

Nicole Konicke

Nicole Konicke is an Instructional Coach and Elementary Science Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) for Santa Clara Unified School District. She leads professional learning and teacher leadership development for SCUSD’s Elementary Educators. Nicole transitioned into her role as the IPT project was concluding, allowing her to support IPT website development and continue the work with […]

Susan Million

Susan Million is a Research Associate at the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University. Currently, she is the Stanford Research Team’s Project Manager for the IPT Project. Her interests include professional learning, teacher development, and math education. Before working at Stanford as a Reserach Associate, Susan spent her career as a high school principal […]

Sarah Pedemonte

Sarah Pedemonte is a professional learning specialist at the Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California in Berkeley. She currently works with teachers, schools, and Districts to build their capacity to provide equitable, high-quality science and environmental literacy programs. Ms Pedemonte has twenty-five years of experience teaching in informal settings and public schools, […]

Emily Reigh

Emily Reigh is an instructor in the Berkeley Teacher Education Program and a postdoctoral researcher on the Writing Data Stories project at the University of California, Berkeley. Broadly, her research focuses on designing science learning environments that engage and sustain the cultural and linguistic practices of students from minoritized communities. Her most recent work with […]