Session 7: Model Argumentation Strategies


In this session, participants engage in a model FOSS® (Full Option Science System) lesson that uses argumentation strategies. (Full Option Science System, Next Generation Edition, developed at the Lawrence Hall of Science; Published and Distributed by Delta Education/School Specialty). The Motion and Matter Module is designed for grade 3. Note: the model lesson can be replaced with any other lesson that provides an opportunity for students to collect data and determine which of those data serve as evidence to support their claim.  In a whole-group discussion, participants share their ideas about the parts of argumentation they engaged in and the experiences (scaffolds) that supported their engagement with those aspects of argumentation. The importance of teaching science in the way that scientists learn about the world is reinforced.


Theme Goals 
Argumentation – Connect to prior knowledge about academic discussions and argumentation
– Introduce argumentation strategies
– Observe and experience what building argumentation skills looks like in a classroom
Learning and Teaching – Build awareness and expertise in supporting students abilities to engage in argumentation to deepen their understanding of science ideas

Leader Guide and Slides
